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What is Army ROTC?
ROTC is an academic program, designed to train the future leaders of our nation. Through coursework and experiential opportunities, students learn basic military skills while developing their leadership skills. Upon graduation and meeting Army requirements, Cadets commission as 2nd Lieutenants in the United States Army ready to lead our nation’s Army. The ROTC program at WFU is also the host for our partnership schools, Winston-Salem State University and Salem College.

The ROTC academic curriculum is located within the Department of Military Science where students take one course and one lab each semester. The program includes Physical Training, Leadership Labs, and academic classes. Cadets are challenged mentally and physically with leadership and broadening opportunities throughout the school year. Students can take Military Sciences courses without an obligation to serve in the Army through their sophomore year.
The No Fear Battalion identifies, inspires, and develops confident and capable leaders of character prepared to commission as officers in the US Army while representing the Army with distinction in the Winston-Salem community.
Learn More
If you are interested in finding more about the program, please contact us at