Giving to the Military Science Department

Developing leaders of character is the goal of our Military Science Department and ROTC program. By providing students with exceptional training opportunities we prepare them for real world leadership. Giving to the Military Science Department and ROTC allows us to enhance the experiential nature of our training, increase the financial assistance we provide to students and update our facilities to offer a cutting edge environment in which to learn. We are proud of the commitment our Cadets have made, and by supporting this program, you can be a part of ensuring that they are well prepared for a future career of service to the nation. Below are four different giving options that support our program in different ways.

General Funds

Donate to the Military Science Department/ROTC
Donations made to the Military Science general fund are used for special projects and initiatives and support Cadet activities. Donations to this fund are available for immediate use by the department and support activities including, but not limited to :

Donate to the Military Science Department and ROTC Endowed Fund
Donations made to this fund create a continuous stream of financial support, ensuring the fulfillment of the department’s mission that may not be addressed otherwise. The funding has the flexibility to serve a multitude of purposes.

Scholarship Funds

Donate to the Robert E. Helm Leadership Endowment Fund
The purpose of the fund is to first provide a scholarship or scholarships for undergraduate students attending Wake Forest, who are participants in the Wake Forest ROTC program, on the basis of financial need and/or academic merit based upon the following order of preferences: Financial Need, GPA and satisfy the Army’s physical fitness standards. 

Donate to the Warren Dale Bishop Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to to provide a scholarship or scholarships for first-year students attending Wake Forest, who are participants in the Wake Forest ROTC program, and recipients of a three year Army Scholarship.